The DICVS was being utilized for years before the BWV system.  It also has extra requirements because of two cameras pointing in different directions, one exterior and one interior.  The activation rules are laid down in LAPD Manual section 3/579.13.  Emphasis is mine.
“Required Activation of the Digital In-Car Video System. Officers shall activate the DICVS during the initiation of the following activities:
• All vehicle stops;
• All Code 3 responses and pursuits;
• All suspect transports;
• All pedestrian stops (when practicable); and,
• Any other occasion when, in the officer’s judgment, it would be beneficial to do so. This may include, but is not limited to, stops and detentions, crimes in progress when recording is reasonably feasible, Mobile Field Force situations, or any situation, condition, or event presenting the potential for injury, loss of life, damage to property, or any potential risk-management issue.”
There are possible exceptions in the manual, but they are not specifically listed.
Exception: Exigent circumstances may preclude officers from activating the DICVS. Each exception will be evaluated on a case-by-case basis.”